The Fat Dollar Money Saving Tip - Spend Less on Skin Creams
Use All of Those Expensive Lotions
Face creams, anti-aging lotions, and even prescription medicines often come in a tube. They can be very expensive, often costing from $15.00 to $60.00 a tube. You may be throwing away 10-20% or more of the contents of those tubes. Following is an easy tip for getting every last bit of the lotion from the tube.
When you've squeezed all that you can from a tube of lotion, don't just throw it away. Take a pair of scissors and snip off the end of the tube. You'll be amazed at how much lotion is left on the sides and in the tip of the tube, even if your efforts to squeeze it all out were close to that of Wonder Woman.
You can now remove this bonus lotion with a cotton swab as you need it. A tiny plastic spoon works even better if you have one because then none of the lotion is soaked up and lost in the cotton tip.
Remember to seal up the open tube between uses by using a clip, or by putting the tube in a plastic zip bag with the air squeezed out, or by some other method that will keep the light and air sealed away from the open end of the tube.
If the tube is large, you may need to cut the tube down one or two more times as you use the lotion from the sides of the tube. The tip of the tube almost always has a large dollop of lotion stuck inside.
You may be surprised that you have a full one to two weeks of extra lotion. This is a true Fat Dollar savings. It's easy, fun, free, and it makes use of the abundance that you already have.
Fat Dollar Savings: 10% or more ... This could be $1.50 to $6.00 or more, depending on the cost of your tube of lotion.
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